dinghy instructor

Sailing instructor
The sailing instructor training allows young people to begin their training from the age of 15 and with a CanSail 2 level. Once their training is successful, and from the age of 16, they will be able to accompany beginners in the discovery of sailing and deliver ICANSail certifications (initiation to sailing). The facilitators play a central role within the camps or structures where sailing is practiced as an initiation. Sailing instructors are true ambassadors of our sport!

Sailing instructor
Sailing instructor training is aimed at all sailing enthusiasts wishing to pass on and teach their passion. You just need to have a minimum level of CanSail 4 to be able to start the training. Once their training is successful, and from the age of 16, they will be able to teach and issue VoileCAN certifications .

Improve yourself

Additional modules
Several add-on modules are available for professional development purposes for Sail Canada instructors. These modules will allow instructors to obtain the necessary qualifications to teach different programs.
- Optimist module
- may 31 2024 – Free training for Optimist coaches at HYC as part of the CODA Citron-Lime clinic. Inscription ici.
- Windsurfing module
- Spinnaker and trapeze module
- Module sur l’entraînement des athlètes en situation de handicap
CanSail 3-4 and 5-6 Instructor
Vous désirez poursuivre votre parcours d’instructeur et pouvoir pousser votre enseignement encore plus loin? Le calendrier de formation est les inscriptions seront disponible dès le 28 février 2025.
In the meantime, contact deriveur@voile.qc.ca for any additional information.
Instructors who successfully complete this training will have the necessary qualifications to teach CANSail 3 and 4 participants. They will also have access to the range of instructor tools offered through the CANSail program.
Advanced course: If you are a CanSail 1-2 instructor with a minimum of one year of experience and have a CanSail 4 level, you are eligible to participate in an advanced instructor course. This training allows you to obtain the qualification to teach and certify CanSail levels 3 and 4.
It is strongly recommended to participate in a refresher course before the advanced course.
Inscription à venir
Instructors who successfully complete this training will have the necessary qualifications to teach CANSail 5 and 6 participants. They will also have access to the range of instructor tools offered through the CANSail program.
Please note that for this training the candidate must have their CANSail 6 level.
Inscription à venir