Coach Identification Program

The Quebec Sailing Federation has put forward an identification program for its coaches with the aim of providing support and advice in their path towards training high performance athletes. Coaches play a vital role in developing talented athletes, and it is essential that coaches have the tools and resources to do so effectively through professional development and learning opportunities.
Program Overview
Identified coaches will be assigned an identification status based on their current qualifications, their role within their club and their future goals in relation to their training and involvement at the provincial and national level. Status will be directly linked to professional development grants, mentoring opportunities, event invitations and exclusive offers. These coaches will also display products to promote their status as recognized coaches on the provincial and national circuit while they coach. Le Stage fondamental
Identification criteria
- Classes for development coach completed
- Development coach program (portfolio project, community of practice, mentoring and assessment) completed or in progress
- Active coaching within a club
- Up-to-date coaching qualifications
- Long-term commitment to coaching
- CansSail 5-6 Instructor
- Active coaching within a club
- Up-to-date coaching qualifications
- Long-term coaching commitments
- CanSail 3-4 instructor (or equivalent to the Advanced course)
- Active coaching through a club
- Up-to-date coaching qualifications

Why be an identified coach?
La Fédération a pour objectif d’identifier the entraîneurs qu’elle peut pousser à travers le pipeline de haute performance. L’idée est d’augmenter the connaissances techniques et de créer une voie vers un coaching professionnel à long terme. Faire partie de ce programme apportera aux entraîneurs identifiés the reconnaissance qu’ils méritent et des avantages spécifiques basés sur leur statut d’identification comme indiqué ci–dessous.
- Possibilité d’emploi à longueur d’année
- Accès à des offres exclusives de l’équipe du Québec
- Collant pour Zodiac avec statut d’identification
- Accès à l’uniforme de l’équipe du Québec avec statut d’identification
- Opportunity de mentorat
- Subvention pour développement continu
- Opportunités d’entraînement dans the camps régionaux YOTS
- Invitation au camp annuel de développement de the haute performance des entraîneurs (3 jours)
- Invitation à the retraite annuelle des entraîneurs
- Accès à des offres exclusives de l’équipe du Québec
- Collant pour Zodiac avec statut d’identification
Access to the Quebec team uniform with identification status
3 50% subsidy on all training courses offered by the FVQ and NCCP modules (Does not apply to the annual registration of coaches)
Opportunity to work within the organization during clinics, camps and other organizational duties during the year.
Opportunity for mentoring.
Invitation to the annual coaching retreat
Invitation to the annual high performance coaching development camp (3 days)
- Collant pour Zodiac avec statut d’identification
Access to the Quebec team uniform with identification status
2 subsidies of 10% on all FVQ courses
Mentoring Opportunity
Invitation to the annual development camp (1 day)