Become a member

Are you already a member?

Vous souhaitez devenir membre? vous êtes probablement déjà membre sans même le savoir. Consultez la liste ci-dessous pour le découvrir!

You are an FVQ member if:

  • you are a member of a club affiliated with the FVQ
  • you are a trainee from a school affiliated with the FVQ
  • you are a Sail Canada instructor/trainer in good standing
  • you are a racing official or judge in good standing 
  • you are a Team Quebec athlete 
  • you are an independent person and have paid the membership fees (form below)

*If you are already a member, we invite you to discover all the advantages available to you by clicking here

*If you do not meet the criteria listed above, but would like to become an FVQ member, you can complete your registration using this form

“Becoming a member and thus contributing to the success of Voile Québec also means ensuring the sustainability of our sport. It means ensuring that qualified instructors are there to train young sailors, and boaters of all ages who are discovering our sport or taking training to improve their knowledge and their level of skill, performance and safety. »

Membership fees to become an individual member

New membership to the FVQ

Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt à devenir membre de la Fédération de voile du Québec et ainsi supporter la voile au Québec. Veuillez remplir les champs ci-dessous pour compléter votre adhésion. 

Montant total
Individual member renewal
If so, we will contact you when the need arises.
Credit Card
Name and billing address
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