Conseil d'administration


Conseil d'administration - Catherine Bussière

Catherine Bussières


Originally from the Quebec region, Catherine grew up in summer camps. It was at Camp Trois-Saumons, located in Chaudière-Appalaches, that Catherine discovered sailing. From the beginning of the Trois-Saumons Camp Sailing School in 2004, Catherine worked closely with campers and sailing instructors, as an instructor and then as manager of this sector on the camp. Now director of the Trois-Saumons camp, Catherine is committed to teaching and promoting sailing, particularly among children and young adults. Each season, she concretely sees the benefits of practicing this activity in the development of skills such as socialization, autonomy and leadership. 

In addition to her passion which led her to work in the world of camps, Catherine previously held the positions of structural engineer for the Canam Group and business development representative at Structure Fusion.

Patrick Caux

Vice President

Patrick Caux is an amateur in several senses of the word: he loves sailing (since he was little); he does not derive any income from it; he still has a lot to learn.

Based in Quebec, he mainly practices light sailing in Beauport Bay (49er, F18, Moth, Laser, etc.), but never hesitates to board a keelboat when he has the opportunity.

Professionally, Patrick was a contributor to the daily newspaper Le Devoir before becoming assistant to director Robert Lepage, then Director of cultural mediation, communications and development at the National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec.

Since 2015, as creative director, he has designed and developed large-scale cultural, event and architectural projects for numerous clients.

Alongside his professional activities, Patrick has sat on several boards of directors (Laval University, Fondation Petit Séminaire de Québec, various cultural companies, etc.) and is involved as a representative of dinghy users in Beauport Bay.

He has been a member of the board of directors of Quebec sailing since 2021.

Laurent-David Beaulieu


Since his first regatta at the Quebec Games in Sept-Îles in 2007 where his 16th birthday allowed him to officially become an instructor, Laurent-David has traveled across Quebec and visited France and the United States through sailing.

He has acquired good experience in mobilization and consensus building by being involved as president of the Canadian F18 catamaran association since 2018 and now as president of the Écovoile Baie-des-Chaleurs solidarity cooperative.

His motivations for getting involved are, on the one hand, to work to facilitate the operation of a sailing club or school, and on the other hand, to make sailing a sport accessible so that as many young people as possible can be interested in it and develop in it.

He is happy that his experience on multiple media and in several sailing clubs and schools; his understanding of the development of sport in the region both at the level of the athlete and the school; as well as his administrative skills; are assets that he has the opportunity to put at the service of the FVQ Board of Directors.

Marie Roy


Practicing sailing since his early childhood; family sailing cruiser, summer job sailing instructor, regattas in Tanzer 22/Shark and mother of children having followed her passion in Optimist and Byte, the sailing environment is familiar to Marie who is convinced that she will be able to make a good contribution to the mission and action plans of the FVQ.

Holder of a Baccalaureate in administration and an MBA, Marie has worked in different fields during her career. In addition, as a citizen engaged in her community, she supported the creation of a non-profit organization with the mission of combating school dropouts and was active on its board of directors.

Chloé Provost


Claude Chidiac


« retraité de l’aéronautique, j’agis comme mentor auprès de jeunes entreprises  en stratégie, développement d’affaires et gestion de la croissance. Passionné de voile, je siège depuis 9 ans au conseil du Club de Voile Senneville. Je participe à de nombreuses régates localement et fais au moins une croisière par année en mer ».  

Richard Tremblay


Guillaume Bouvard


Originally from France, arrived in Quebec in 2009, Guillaume lives in Rouyn-Noranda. He is passionate about new technologies, business management and sailing of course!

Guillaume comes from a family that has always practiced sailing, his grandfather and father having managed and administered sailing clubs and yacht clubs in France. He set foot on a sailboat from the age of 3, competed, ran sailing camps, lived for 5 years on a sailboat that he built with his father, crossed the Channel several times and sailed in Greece and the Mediterranean.

In Canada, he sailed on Lake Ontario, in Georgian Bay and on the Saguenay Fjord between La Baie and Baie Éternité where he passed his basic cruise skipper's certificate in 2023. He is enrolled in the intermediate course for summer 2024.

On the professional side, Guillaume has more than 25 years of experience as a building technician. For 7 years, he has been the vice-president of a small incorporated professional services company based in Rouyn-Noranda, for which he manages aspects related to financial issues, human resources, content presentations and sales of services, contract negotiation and of partnerships in a context of labor shortage, a health crisis and decline.

Guillaume has a thirst for learning and is happy that his knowledge and experience can enrich and be useful to the development of this wonderful association which promotes the most beautiful activity in the world, sailing!

Appel de candidatures 2024

Vous avez le goût de contribuer au développement de la voile au Québec? 

Vous partagez nos valeurs liées au respect, au leadership et à l’excellence?

Le comité de mise en candidature de la Fédération de voile du Québec est présentement en recrutement de bénévoles afin de pourvoir à des postes au sein de son conseil d’administration.

Profils recherchés : 

  • Connaissance du milieu et de la pratique de la voile.
  • Temps à donner et expertise professionnelle à partager (6 à 8 rencontres par année).
  • Personnes rassembleuses, aptes à générer des consensus.
  • Compréhension des réalités des petites entreprises, des fédérations sportives et des OBNL.

Les personnes intéressées sont invitées à manifester leur intérêt au comité de mise en candidature en complétant le formulaire ci-dessous au plus tard le 14 janvier 2024. 

L’élection aura lieu lors de l’assemblée générale 2024. L’avis de convocation suivra en janvier.

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