Race management

Race management plays an important role in the promotion, organization and administration of competitive sailing. Volunteers who participate in race administration, judging and refereeing are encouraged to follow the certification program established by Sail Canada to increase their experience and knowledge. The race management is divided into two parts; officials and judges.

Pour trouvez un officiel ou un juge, veuillez consulté la pages «“find an official”» de Voile Canada.

FREE WEBINAR for sailing instructors: supervising athletes in regattas. Register here!

*If you are a judge/official and you would like your name to appear (or not) on this list, please let us know..

Become an official

The race official plays an essential role in ensuring that the rules are respected during races. Their responsibility is to supervise the starts, arrivals and actions of competitors, ensuring that everything takes place in accordance with established rules, in order to ensure fair and equitable racing conditions.

Would you like to become a race official?

There are four levels of certification. Levels 1 (assistant) and 2 (club) are offered by the Quebec Sailing Federation, while levels 3 and 4 are managed by Sail Canada.

Reaccreditation and achievement of level 2 race officials 

We advise all our officials to send us a copy of their regatta experiences each season in order to keep their certification up to date or in order to obtain their level 2, following training.

      • Official, judge and referee reaccreditation forms are available (in English) on the Sail Canada website.

Become a judge

The judge acts as arbiter after the race, when there are disputes or complaints to be resolved. Their goal is to make impartial decisions by evaluating the evidence and listening to the different parties involved. They ensure that conflicts regarding the rules or the conduct of competitors are resolved fairly, thereby preserving the integrity and credibility of sailing competitions.

Would you like to become a judge?

To become a Race Judge, Sail Canada imposes several requirements. The person must complete a course that covers parts 1-7 of the racing rule book. The Racing Rules Seminar essentially covers parts 1-2 and 3. The following seminar covers everything necessary to validate the training.

For people wishing to become a judge, they must attend both days or they must have completed one of the two days on another training course.

  • The racing rules seminar is a so-called interactive seminar. The instructor highlights 25 images and asks his students which racing rules apply to different situations and why. During the course, students will have the racing rule book in front of them. The objective here is to master the different rules. 
  • The seminar on the second day takes place over a morning, students discuss with the instructor about the different rules and then the class is divided into several groups so that students can practice a number of scenarios with different roles.

Would you like to organize training at your club?

If you would like to organize training at your club, do not hesitate to contact us!

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